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When (pop) culture becomes content: should brands jump on the bandwagon?


Social media trends come and go with astonishing speed. Take last summer’s “Barbiecore” which had brands embracing pink as the season’s must-have colour, and this year’s, “Brat Summer”, a term popularised by Charli XCX, which celebrates a playful, rebellious spirit and a carefree attitude. And let’s not forget the word ‘Demure’, which is currently unavoidable in social and ad copy, thanks to a viral TikTok video that catapulted it into the spotlight.

But when it comes to brands jumping on these bandwagons, the decision isn't as straightforward as it might seem. It’s not just about riding the wave; it’s about doing so authentically, with a clear fit for the brand’s voice. So, should you embrace the latest social trend, and if so, can you carry it off meaningfully?

The allure of trends: a double-edged sword

The idea of leveraging current trends is tempting. After all, aligning with what's popular can amplify visibility and engagement. However, while jumping on trends can offer short-term gains, it also poses significant risks. Trends can be fleeting, and what resonates today might be forgotten tomorrow. This temporal nature means that brands risk appearing inauthentic or, worse, out of touch if they don’t approach trend integration with care.

Why embracing trends can be a positive

  1. Increased visibility and engagement: Trends have a way of capturing public interest, and brands that align their content with these trends can benefit from increased engagement. For instance, incorporating elements of "Brat Summer" into a fashion campaign might attract Gen Z audiences who are engaging with the trend.

  2. Relevance: Staying current with trends can position a brand as modern and in tune with contemporary culture. This relevance can strengthen brand perception and create opportunities for relatable content.

  3. Creative opportunities: Trends can serve as a springboard for creative content. They offer a platform for brands to experiment with new ideas and formats that they might not have previously considered.

When trend adoption falls flat 

  1. Risk of inauthenticity: Brands that latch onto trends without a genuine connection may come across as opportunistic. For example, a supermarket trying to adopt "brat summer" aesthetics might seem out of place if the trend doesn’t align with its established image.

  2. Short-lived impact: Trends often have a short shelf life. Content that’s highly relevant today may quickly become obsolete, leaving brands with a stack of content that no longer resonates with their audience. It’s also unlikely to make good evergreen content for the same reason.

  3. Brand dilution: Over-reliance on trends can dilute a brand’s core identity. When brands frequently adapt to trends, they risk losing sight of their unique voice and values, which can confuse or alienate their loyal customers.

Finding the Balance

The key to successfully incorporating trends into brand content lies in authenticity. Brands should assess whether a trend genuinely aligns with their voice, values, and overall strategy. Here’s how to navigate this balance:

  1. Evaluate Brand Fit: Does the trend align with the brand’s identity?

  2. Maintain Consistency: Ensure that the use of trends does not overshadow the brand’s core message. The trend should enhance, not replace, the brand’s unique voice.

  3. Timing is Crucial: Implement trends in a way that feels timely and relevant. Avoid jumping on trends just because they are popular; instead, integrate them in a way that feels natural and well-considered.

Why timeless content always works

When it comes to integrating social media trends into branded content, the decision should be made with a strategic mindset – it may well be that compelling storytelling and evergreen content ensures your brand remains relevant and resonant long after the summer’s social trends have faded.