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Selling the dream: Using long-form content to inspire property buyers

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It’s been a tough period for the property market. High (by recent standards) interest rates, coupled with persistent inflation, has led to a cost-of-living crisis which has naturally impacted the market. There are however some green shoots as we enter 2024 – inflation has slowed, and mortgage rates have started to drop. Property portal Zoopla reported demand in December was up 19% and predicts a million home sales this year, driven by first-time buyers.

A daunting decision?

For most people, buying a house is one of the biggest financial decisions they’ll ever make. Whether a first-time buyer about to take the plunge or a growing family looking to move to a bigger house, the choices made are likely to impact their finances for many years to come.

It's a decision that involves not just bricks and mortar but dreams, aspirations, and the promise of a brighter future. So, how do you convince potential buyers that you’re the right developer to trust, that the home is right for them, and the area the perfect spot to spend years of their life?

So, let’s explore why long-form content is the unsung hero in property marketeer’s armoury, especially when it comes to tapping into people's emotions and demonstrating how a new home can create a better life.

Why go long?

Through long-form content, you have the space to craft compelling narratives that transport potential buyers into the future. You can describe the joy of family gatherings in a spacious living room, the warmth of a Sunday morning breakfast in a sunlit kitchen, and the tranquillity of a peaceful evening in the garden.

You can explain how a new community offers a sense of belonging and security for their loved ones and that an area is being transformed. Try squeezing that into a banner or fitting on a billboard!

To assure potential buyers that your development offers this better life, you need to do more than just present facts and figures. You need to touch their hearts and stir their imaginations. You need to show them how their new home can be the canvas upon which they paint their life's most beautiful moments.

Ultimately, it’s the art of crafting compelling narratives that convince homebuyers to take that pivotal step towards visiting a show home. So, here’s 9 ways you can employ long-form content to inspire property buyers and encourage them to take action:

 1. Start strong:

Begin with a powerful introduction that grabs the reader’s attention – there’s no point creating a beautiful narrative if nobody gets that far. Use a standfirst to get all the key information across before using emotive language in the main copy.

2. Emphasise the appeal of the location:

Location, location, location…. Highlight the distinct advantages of the property's location. Dive into the surrounding neighbourhood, detailing the convenience of nearby amenities like shopping centres, schools, parks, and public transportation hubs. Provide insight into the community's character and lifestyle. If it’s a tricky area, emprise great things nearby; if it’s not built yet, throw forward to how great the area could be soon and that you’re getting in there early before it’s too late.

          3. Deliver comprehensive details:

Cover all aspects, from the number of bedrooms and bathrooms (top tip – en-suites click) to architectural nuances and the quality of construction materials used. Showcase how you could use the space – for example, a room for a home office, allowing potential buyers to visualise themselves living there.

          4. Showcase stunning visuals:

Incorporate high-resolution photographs that effectively capture the property, both indoors and outdoors. Consider embedding video and interactive 3D models if available. Try and include images with people in them – this helps people imagine themselves using the space.

          5. Highlight investment opportunities:

Whilst not suitable for every home, if the property holds investment potential, underscore these aspects. Provide calculations or scenarios that illustrate the financial benefits of ownership. It’s usually best to run separate buying and investing campaigns aimed at the two audiences but sometimes, particularly for apartments, selling or letting in the future could be in the mind of the buyer.

6. Energy efficiency:

Consider the UK's growing concern for energy efficiency given the current high price of electricity and gas. Delve into the property's eco-friendly features and discuss insulation, double-glazed windows, energy-efficient appliances, and any renewable energy systems in place. Explain how these features contribute to potential cost savings and environmental responsibility.

          7. Leveraging reviews and testimonials:

Include testimonials or reviews from previous buyers who've had positive experiences with the developer and highlight any awards they’ve won. If it’s another phase of a large existing development, could you get a testimonial from those currently living there? Real-life endorsements can significantly enhance a property's perceived value.

          8. Help explain financing options:

Demystify the financing process by explaining the available options – this is particularly important for first-time buyers who may consider a property out of their reach. Provide details on government schemes and any special offers or incentives. Many developers offer practical schemes to help potential buyers such as part-exchange, so highlight these.

9. Create compelling CTAs:

Finally, conclude your long-form copy with a persuasive call to action. Encourage potential buyers to take immediate steps such as scheduling a viewing or requesting more information. Mid-point CTAs and hyperlinks are also important for those who’ve qualified interest and want to learn more. Use persuasive language to instil a sense of urgency and enthusiasm – how many units are left? How long are the offers valid?

Throughout your long-form copy, maintain a balanced blend of informative content and engaging storytelling. Employ visual elements like subheadings, bullet points, and images to enhance readability on mobile devices (often 70-80% of traffic). Ultimately, aim to instil confidence in both the property and developer’s desirability and motivate buyers to embark on the journey towards ownership.

We’ve over a decade’s experience creating and distributing successful long-form property campaigns. To discuss how we can help you – contact us today!